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Kayako Errand Services (capstone 3)

Category : More... / Website
Client :Kayako Errand Services
Completion :September 2019
Tools :MongDB,Express JS, React JS, Node JS, Bootstrap-4
The kayako Errand Services site was develop for educational purposes. Kayako Errands Services is a start up business that offers an on demand household and business errands assistance. The good thing about it is it directly connect homeowners, busy individuals, and business with our experienced, reliable and trustworthy service professionals partners. The reason why I choose this booking idea is because I know that as an employee we have a busy schedule that we already have no time to do our household chores, I believe that this booking system can be on demand on a near future just like grab, and its kind a new on the Philippines market but I still have high hope on this on. Technologies
  • Backend : MongoDB, Express, Node
  • Frontend: React, Redux, Axios (JS AJAX library), Bootstrap-4
Key Features
  • Beautiful and intuitive user experience
  • Used Font Awesome icons
  • Built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
  • Google web Fonts used
  • Elegant and Clean
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • And moreā€¦
To Learn more about them click here : kayako Errand Services