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Food Photography

Category : More... / Photography
Client :Foodies
Completion :September 2018
Tools :DSLR, Raw Files
This high quality Food Photography is a combination of my hobbies, Food and taking photos. Base on my experince on this field I can tell that everything in the photo is a decision. Every piece should be perfectly placed by the photographer.

Base on Google Food photography is a still life photography genre used to create attractive still life photographs of food. It is a specialization of commercial photography, the products of which are used in advertisements, magazines, packaging, menus or cookbooks. Taking pictures of food is one area of photography that has boomed in recent years. People are starting to cook more and the world of social media has made it possible to show what we are cooking. Or eating. There are more restaurants than ever, dishing out more kinds of food that you could conceive. All these need photographing. To show, share, and persuade. Designed to make your mouth water. But for me Food photography is arguably one of the most challenging types of photography out there. Like painting, you start with a blank canvas and build. Layer upon layer, you construct the photo until you reach the perfect balance of reality and art.
Overall Food photography and styling will be as easy as pie with our complete guides tips and techniques to make your food photography pop.Visit some website that post their wonderful shot of foods or go to Instagram that have more followers.